Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Future Belongs To Those Who Believe In The Beauty Of Their Dreams-Eleanor Roosevelt

Dreams sneak into your head,

Cloaked by aspirations.

They gamble with your destiny.

Dreams are a major part in the novel The Alchemist. Almost everybody has a dream and usually these dreams are the things that you will strive for in life. If Santiago didn't have dreams he probably wouldnt have fulfilled his destiny in the end. Because of his dreams, he worked hard and finally reached his destiny of finding the treasure and becoming an alchemist. Dreams are a crucial part of life because it gives you something to live for. An example of this is in the book is the crystal merchant. His life long dream was to go on the pilgramage to Mecca but he was really afraid that if he went, his dream would be fulfilled and he would have nothing to live for anymore. Dreams are what give people life whether it is leading to your destiny or pulling it away until the very end. Dreams are the theme that keeps life going on the Earth

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