Tuesday, March 30, 2010

JC essay Brutus

Brutus’ motivations

“If it be aught toward the general good, set honor in one eye, and death I’ the’ other, and I will look on both indifferently; For let the gods speed me as I love the name of honor more than I fear death.-Julius Caesar Act 1, sc 2, 84-88. This quote shows that Brutus is a man that is a patriot that would do anything for the good of Rome and its people. The quote also shows that Brutus is a very honorable man as to when he thinks death and honor are the same. This shows that Brutus’ desire for honor and love for Rome will drive him even to kill and die. Brutus’ honor and patriotism motivated him to his goal of keeping the republic and being respected as an honorable man but it sometimes clouds his judgment and makes him over confident. This sometimes leads him to be easily manipulated and make wrong decisions.

Brutus’ love for Rome and the republic would drive him to do anything to keep it the way it has always been run and create a better and honorable Rome for the countrymen and the rest of the world. This is because his ancestors started the Roman Republic and he would do anything to get the amount of honor as they did. This motivator makes Brutus difficult to work with because any other ideas people have that change the rules of the republic or that do not satisfy him he will quickly reject putting his idea up above every one else even thought his ideas are not well thought through and usually lead to a failure. Brutus shows this when he rejects Cassius’ idea totally which would eventually lead to his downfall and then death. In Act 2 sc1 Cassius has just brought up the idea of killing Caesars loyal friend Mark Antony but Brutus rejects his idea saying; “Our course will seem to bloody, Caius Cassius, to cut off the head and then hack the limbs,” he is basically saying that the conspiracy would seem to bloody if they killed Antony because he could do nothing without Caesar. Even thought killing Antony would be a tactical thing to do he rejected it totally because it did not fit with his plans. This shows Brutus’ patriotism because he would do anything for the good of rome and would disagree with anything any one else would say. As well as disagreeing with everybody he would do a lot of things for the good of Rome Like choosing to kill one of his close friends. This quote is at the funeral speech when he is explaining the death of Caesar. “If then that friend demand why Brutus rose against Caesar, this is my answer: Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. Act 3 Sc 2 19-21 this quote means that Burtus did not hate Caesar but he loved Rome so that is why he killed him. This Quote shows how brutus is willing to do anything to for the good of rome even to kill his good friend. Finally I thought Brutus’ patriotism made him arrogant and over confident which but also think about what is best for his country Rome. This also showed his desire to be honorable.

Honor was Brutus’ most desired wish as he would die and kill for it. He wanted to be honorable because his ancestors are portrayed a very honorable so he wanted to live up to them as well as wanting the peoples respect for him helping to save Rome. He will always think thought his ideas to consider whether it is honorable or noble as well as believing so much as what he thinks is honorable and noble that he does not think so much about the consequences of his actions. This first quote shows that he thinks so much about what is honorable and he immediately thinks that everyone will think exactly the same as him. “This shall make our purpose necessary, and not envious, which so appearing to the common eyes, we shall be call’d purgers, not murderers. This means that there is a purpose for killing Caesar and that all the people will think them as healers for Rome. This shows Brutus’ motivation of honor because he is thinking through what is honorable for himself.

The main conflict about Julius Caesar is that people wanting to reach there goals and doing anything to get them. Brutus’ key motivators to reach his goals were his Patriotism and his honor. These made him really focus to get his goals but also made him arrogant and difficult to work with. In the end Brutus’ arrogance and over confidence did get the end of him and he landed on the ground as his dear friend Caesar. He did not succeed his goals because after Caesars death the Antony kept Caesars rules and ruled the republic more like a dictatorship but he did die honorably as Antony almost wept and called him the most honorable of all the conspirators when he saw Brutus’ remains. Brutus’ goal was indeed noble, as he wanted to keep the way thing had been run and expand Romes reputation and lifestyle to create better living for all of Romes people.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Collage Reflection

Think Creatively

Some of the creative elements I used on my collage project were lots of overlapping pictures, colours, a unique background, and unusual text fonts. I did this to emphasise some parts of the collage, and also to keep the viewer's attention. For example, I wrote the word 'racism' in a red messy fashion to symbolize that racism is a bad thing. It also made the word stand out for the audience.

Reason Critically

I chose a six word memoir that symbolized each part of the Lost Boy's life: "burning village" for the civil war in Sudan and the loss of their normal lives, "stressful camps" which show the hard times the boys had at the refugee camp, and finally "unfair heaven" because they thought America would be heaven but it turned out to be a harsh place to live.

Communicate Effectively

The mixture of informative and sad pictures and carefully chosen words help the viewer recognize the Lost Boys hardships and trauma. I used pictures that are very clear in their meaning and relate exactly to the words on the poster.

Live ethically

Anyone looking at the pictures will realize the pain and suffering that the Lost Boys went through, and will have empathy towards them. The Lost Boys went through experiences that some people cant even imagine.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sudan to the States

Santino arrived in America seeking "heaven" but in reality he found the opposite. His new life was full of hard work, struggle for money, crime and having to adapt to a strange culture.

Santino's life was very difficult. He quickly got his job and worked very hard to improve his performance, but Santino had no say in which job he was given in the first place. He found it difficult, because he had never encountered any of the things in the factory before - such as the machines. But when none of the other lost boys found jobs, he felt obliged to keep working so he could pay the rent for all of them. Santino's job was not high paying, and he could not get an education to improve his qualifications, so money was a constant problem for him. Not only did he have to support all of the lost boys in his apartment but he also got fined a lot of money in court for driving a car illegally. Also, because Santino lived in a high crime district, he was robbed, leaving him with even less money. He couldn't afford to live in a safer part of the city. Santino had a lot of pressures on him, and even though he was trying to do the right thing for himself and the other lost boys, he found life a constant struggle.

Santino also had trouble adapting to the completely different culture in the States. When he arrived, he found it quite hard to make new freinds. Even though Santino tried to mingle with Americans, for example, through playing basketball, he couldn't understand what the other players were doing. He found their style of playing basketball different from what he had played in Sudan. He also had to quickly abandon all signs of his culture, such as hugging or holding hands with a male freind, which was frowned on and misread in America, even though it was normal in Sudan. All of these changes put added pressure on Santino, which made his money problems even harder to deal with.

Santino had been through a terrible time in Sudan, and America was supposed to be wonderful for him. But in reality, the American dream proved almost impossible for Santino to reach.